Monday, January 25, 2010

Sebaik-baik kejadiankah kita manusia?

Seperti mana tajuk di atas, sememangnya manusia adalah sebaik-baik kejadian alam ciptaaan Tuhan yang Maha Esa. Kita dianugerahkan akal fikiran yang memandu kita untuk membezakan yang mana satu perkara baik dan mana satu perkara buruk. Namun sebaliknya selalu terjadi di alam yang fana ini, kadangkala manusia yang sepatutnya dipanggil manusia tidak selayaknya digelar sedemikian. Ada pula makhluk bergelar manusia ini berubah warna menjadi makhluk lain yang lebih rendah statusnya, dibuang segala akal fikiran berharga itu. Yang sepatutnya bergelar manusia bertindak kurang waras dan liar dalam perjalanan hidup mereka.
Seringkali persoalan seperti ,"Mengapa adanya manusia yang sanggup membuang anak sendiri?" dan lazimnya pertanyaan ini dibalas, "Sedangkan kucing pun sayangkan anak". Itulah yang terjadi apabila manusia suka bertindak melulu tanpa merujuk akal fikiran, hitam dan putih warna kehidupan sudah tidak mampu dikenali lagi. Maka itulah keadaannya, halal haram diredah saja dan kini penyakit sosial meruncing dunia. Semakin moden dunia ini, semakin bercelaru perilaku pelakon-pelakonnya. Sebetulnya ia perlu mengikut arus iaitu jika semakin moden dunia ini, maka semakin bertamadunlah penduduk-penduduknya bukan sebaliknya yang berlaku.
Jika kita sering menyelak akhbar-akhbar tempatan terutamanya akhbar Metro yang sangat digemari warga Malaysia kerana ke'sensasi'annya itu, pasti sakit pandangan mata dengan hanya membaca setiap tajuk-tajuknya. Kebanyakannya kejadian masalah sosial yang sangat membimbangkan mengenai golongan remaja, tetapi kini bukan remaja sahaja malah golongan pertengahan berusia 30an ke atas dan generasi tua yang "rumah kata pergi, kubur kata mari" pun tidak terkecuali daripada senarainya.
Dari sudut pandangan saya, ia banyak difaktorkan oleh penggunaan akal fikiran yang tidak digunakan sebaik-baiknya. Secara dasarnya akal fikiran patut dijadikan tunjang kepada setiap perilaku kita, namun banyak yang telah menyimpang arus. Kini senario telah memperlihatkan nafsu menjadi akar segala-galanya, dengan menampakkan penggunaan nafsu melebihi akal fikiran telah menjadi paksi utama yang mencetuskan segala fenomena kejahatan. Mengambil kata pepatah Melayu, "ikut hati mati, ikut rasa binasa". Maka ambillah pengajaran seelok-eloknya daripada peribahasa ini.
Dari elemen yang lain pula manusia zaman kini terlalu terikut-ikut faktor arus semasa, terlalu meniru budaya barat yang sememangnya sentiasa sesat itu. Sedarlah kalau dahulu penjajahan British ke atas negara kita telah pun dipadamkan, namun masih ada lagi satu jenis penjajahan yang akan kekal selama-lamanya. Walaupun negara-negara Barat tidak lagi menjajah negara-negara Timur, namun yang pasti kini mereka masih lagi dapat melakukan penjajahan tetapi dengan cara yang berbeza pula. Penjajahan ini dinamakan penjajahan akhlak, sememangnya betul kerana kini tersebar meluas pengaruh budaya mereka ke atas bangsa kita. Dan yang tidak menapis pengaruhnya terus menyalin bulat-bulat sebiji-biji tanpa usul periksa dan rujukan akal fikiran.
Di akhir kata, kita hanya dapat menyimpulkan satu saja pegangan dan pengajaran berguna iaitu gunakanlah sebaik-baiknya anugerah Tuhan yang berharga itu.

Mega books with mega sales price at Amcorp Mall!

What’s up next weekend? What about Amcorp Mall? Next weekend project, I suggest you to have a day out at Amcorp Mall! Trust me, it is worth and enjoyable to go there. I went it like few times before and last Saturday I have chance to walk at the place again as to accompany my roommate cum my ex-classmate at UiTM Malacca, Dalia, in her searching for books. If you compare to other popular shopping malls such as 1 Utama and Pavilion, this mall does not have many retail outlets. What appears best is on Saturdays and Sundays starting from 10am to 6pm, one of the main attractions of this mall is the first and the best flea market in Malaysia with items from antiques, records, collectibles, homemade food, old and new toys and many more.
So if you someone who are into grunge soul that adores antiques thingy, like old books, and someone who love into collections of old things, then Amcorp Mall is the right destination for you. From the dull outside looks and simple architecture of it, you might hear a voice blurbs out your mind that it is just not attractive place for shopping at all which actually first sound true for me. At first I thought it was never an eye-popping place to spend for shopping or either window shopping.

As for me, the only catching and ripping out my heart are the books selling there. Somewhere at second and third floor, you will find mega four book shops with mega sales price. To the 1st bookstore, well a magazine shops actually, you will find loads of famous oversea magazines (past edition) like Marie Claire and Vogue sell at the price from rm5!
Move to the 2nd bookstore, okay..maybe someone who appears nonchalant for literature will find what the heck they want to enter the shop? “It’s like a dungeon”, perhaps this is your typical first impression. Trust me the shop is unattractive at all with piles over piles of old dusty books cluttered here and there. But soon you’ll enter and discover it you feel like don’t want to go home! Like kids enter a chocolate factory. Like Charlie and the chocolate factory. As the shop keep constantly receives old books from people, I guess it answered why it is so packed, untidy and cluttered. As the result, the shop is just enough small to fit all the precious books which start price at RM 5 too!
And next to the shop is the shop with new books selling at affordable price. Guess what? For English novels they sell around only rm15 and above. Like before I bought Cecelia Ahern novel at MPH Curve, they cost me RM 32.00 but here it is only half-price at RM 17.00!What a saving. Those who bookaholic should come here, this place is perfect for someone crazy and crave for books and for a student like me who money-less this is even super perfectos! It just a heaven…a heaven of knowledge indulgence.
To my final chapter about books at Amcorp Mall. This is the last option if you don’t really want to pay out much money for books, there is a place called Rent-a-Book. This shop varies from the latest book to the very old one. Much much like library concept but the differential if you go to the library you’ll hardly sees the newest book, however at this shops you’ll find it.
My advice, you should never miss out to go to these bookshops and the entirely Amcorp Mall at least once in a lifetime!

P/S: “The person, be it gentlemen or lady, who has no pleasure in a good novel, must be
intolerably stupid”-Jane Austen

Her Foreword

Thanks to the Online Journalism class, I finally made my way into the world of blogging. With the forte and niche for writing, I always have the intention to blog and oftenly I do kind of follow reading my friends’ blogs but somehow thinking of my plain Jane life with unryhmes and unrythmic phases , I send the intention to the bay. It’s like I will do it but not now as the best not yet to come. When I am thinking about blog, I love blog which comes with its own reason of existence, not something mourning like, why I have big nostrils? Why this, why this and bla..bla..bla..and those stupid petty things. You see? Everyone can have blog but oftenly the good blog can only count on fingers. Those explain why I am so reluctant to have one. Maybe I will have it within another two years after I am officially called as journalist with precious experiences, rhymes and rhythm of her world. I do not promising the best for my blog, as I said before my life is just ordinary, nothing much special like a plain Jane. But for this time being, regardless of how the situation is, I am someone now who joins the blogger community!
So welcome to “Rhymes and Rhythm of Her World”! To Razlin Razlan’s world. And goes my final word, hope you people just enjoy reading it and mucha gracias for your time and favour!:)